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System-wide Pass

System-wide Pass
Cost: $150.00

Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: SYSTEMPASS

Select Month Valid*:

Description Schedules Days of Service
System-wide NM DOT Park n Ride Pass for all services including the New Mexico Rail Runner Express.
  • The system-wide NMDOT Park & Ride Monthly Pass is valid for use on the New Mexico Rail Runner Express (NMRX). For a current train schedule, go to: www.riometro.org

  • NM-599 Station Shuttles are scheduled to connect with two morning northbound arriving and two afternoon southbound departing the New Mexico Rail Runner Express trains at the NM-599 Station. South Capitol Station Shuttles are scheduled to meet two morning northbound arriving and two afternoon southbound departing New Mexico Rail Runner Express trains at the South Capitol Station. Location descriptions for all shuttle stops can be found at:www.riometro.org

  • A new mobile ticketing option is being offered through Token Transit. Visit: https://tokentransit.com/app